You have reached the blog of a programmer. My name is Rollins Charles and I am your guide to the world of PC and mobile development. I have been working as a developer for 6 years, I am the author of the course “Software Development for Dummies”, I also help to improve the skills of already experienced programmers.
Why development? Since my childhood I have been fascinated by technology, I’ve always been interested in how the radio, TV, and eventually the computer work. I often wondered how such a small device could hold a huge amount of information. At school, my favorite subject was mathematics. Based on all this, I chose my vocation and went to college to become an engineer and a little later received a second degree – a programmer.
What you will find on the blog
Software creation is one of the advanced industries today. This fact is absolutely logical, given the high rate of development of information technologies and data processing tools, which will only improve and become more complex. Software development is a complicated, multifaceted and multistage process which requires high qualification, experience and some discipline from the participants. In particular, in order not just to make an excellent software product, but to do it also with minimal resource costs, careful and painstaking execution of all development stages defined for a particular project is required.
A program is a sequence of instructions (commands) describing the algorithm of solving, by means of a computer, the corresponding problem, for realization of which this program has been developed.
Special languages are used to develop programs. A program may contain instructions written in high-level programming languages that allow algorithms to be written in a human-readable form close to natural languages (source code) or a sequence of machine commands (instructions “understandable” to the computer on which the program is to be executed).
Only programs containing instructions in binary machine code – programs in the language of a particular computer (a computer with a particular model or family of processors) are ready for execution; only such programs can be loaded into computer memory for execution.